Toronto Hip Hop Artist Tabuu Single "Say No More" Part 1


Drive safe and sober this long weekend, say RCMP

On a routine patrol along a stretch of Highway 2 north of Calgary on Wednesday, Sgt. Darrin Turnbull with Alberta RCMP Traffic issues a ticket to one driver for speeding and to another for distracted driving.

As Canada Road Safety Week kicks off — a national campaign put on by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police — Turnbull said officers across the province are hoping to see ticket numbers, dangerous driving behaviours and collisions drop. 

The campaign, which aims to raise awareness about safe driving measures, runs from May 17 to May 23 and encompasses Victoria Day long weekend.

The long weekend is usually a time when RCMP see an increased number of collisions on Alberta highways, said Turnbull.

"We would love to report that…there were no fatal crashes this long weekend, that nobody died," he said. 

"We're hopeful that's what's going to happen."


J.Cole the North Carolina rapper has signed to play professional basketball in Canada.


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