Chief Ramer, we do not accept your apology' | Beverly Bain


Detective Adams had simply lost track of the video because officers at 14 Division do not have enough USB sticks to store the various ones they obtain and it was overwritten.

Missing video evidence collapses drug case, prompts Toronto detective discipline proceeding

Detective Adams had simply lost track of the video because officers at 14 Division do not have enough USB sticks to store the various ones they obtain and it was overwritten.

A drug trafficking case has collapsed and a Toronto police detective is facing allegations of deceit and discreditable conduct after he wouldn’t provide surveillance video of a drug bust to prosecutors, CTV News has learned.

Detective Clayton Adams kept giving shifting explanations to Crown prosecutors about where the video was, whether it was connected to the drug case, and why it couldn’t be provided, and stands accused of misleading the Crown — one reason charges in the case were stayed, documents say.

“Your responses to the Crown were evasive and misleading in regards to the seized security video,” the Toronto police allege in a notice of hearing that was written in 2020, but is headed for a hearing next week.

“You provided a will-say statement that was inconsistent with your initial representations. In so doing, you committed misconduct in that you did willfully or negligently make a false, misleading or inaccurate statement pertaining to official duties,” the notice reads.





Wisdom Wednesday


Wisdom Wednesday


Wisdom Wednesday



Book: Prepare To Be Tortured

Publisher's Summary

We are all familiar with the term narcissism and the story of how some Greek god or another looked into a pool of water only to fall in love with himself. But what does it actually mean to date one of the same said species? 

This easy-to-understand book explains the standard process from start to finish - through being completely bowled over and convinced that one has found their true soul mate to the games and tests narcissists play once the partner has been successfully seduced. This is a form of narcissistic handbook, essential to keep close at hand when our head is saying one thing but our heart is saying another.

©2018 A B Jamieson (P)2021 A B Jamieson




Sit Sip and Spill

Whatever You Experience in life is your story and no one will understand because some may have rejoiced in your pain 
But Nothing last forever the Sun shines even on Cloudy days 

 so Tell Your Story When You are Ready to Come to 
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