Come and train in kickboxing with your local division police officers

43 Division’s Community Police Liaison Committee (CPLC) has partnered with a local gym to offer youth aged 14-18 an opportunity to train in kickboxing with local police officers.

We recognize there is a rise in anxiety and mental health challenges for youth, especially during the pandemic and particularly for those in marginalized communities. We notice that early intervention is critical and can lead to improved achievements and better outcomes. Also, for many youth, their first encounter with anything justice-related—whether in school, their neighbourhoods, or social service settings—is through law enforcement. The nature and circumstances of this contact can have a significant and lasting impression on a young person. Our police officers are in a strong position to take on this role of influencing youth and promoting positive and productive outcomes when they interact.

This initiative would pair youth aged 14-18 with police officers from 43 Division and together they would train in kickboxing while being instructed by professional Kickboxing, Muay Thai and MMA coaches.

If you have any quesitons or concerns, please reach out to james.thomas@43divisioncplc.com


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